Ye Htet Zaw

My name is Ye Htet Zaw and I am 19 years old. I live in Ka Tha Kyi village, Hta Ton Township, Mon state. Unluckily, I failed the exam for the first year of matriculation examination due to lack of finance to pay for tuition fee like other students.

However, I was not depressed that I knew that to get a better life is not always easy for a person. Accordingly, I encouraged myself to take the exam again. Unfortunately, my family’s situation was poor and poor, so my parents could not take responsibility for my one more year of matriculation exam. Fortunately, I was lucky that I got a connection from my aunt who lived in Naung Bwa village, Mae Pa district, and Mae Sot city, Thailand. Thus, I had a chance to join one of the basic higher educational schools from migrant area. Therefore, I went to New Blood, that school aim is to open a school for poor children, orphans, and helpless youths, as soon as I got the information from my aunt without hesitating, so I could enroll in this school as the school’s director and headmistress allowed me to attend with very cheaper amount of money for educational fees too.

Then, I very tried hard there, but I failed the second year of matriculation examination again. At the same time, I knew why I failed the exam was that I had not have the proper basic educational level. On the other hand, I was not depressed as school’s director, mistress, and all teachers gave a speech of encouragement, and they said that to me was to try again next year. Also, most of my friends had the same desire for my life too. As a result, I decided to take it again by covering my weakness. As a result, I could happily found my name on the passing students list of 2017-18 academic year with 280 scores. Now I am attending University in Hpa-an with the help of my donors.